Kindle Edition
Finding Fulfilment In Loving Your Child Through Thick and Thin
About The Book PurchaseContented Parenting
Some time in the twenty-fourth century, six decommissioned androids are revived by an electrical storm on an asteroid near Saturn. With no idea how they got there or why they've been decommissioned, they resolve to return to Earth in a quest to find answers.
However, their journey home reveals more of their character, capability and purpose than they could possibly have anticipated.
United Kingdom
“This is an exceptional book... written with passion, conviction and love”
United Kingdom
“You will be inspired by Stephen’s wisdom, guidance and encouragement”
United Kingdom
“This book will help you as a parent, through the tough times”
Los Angels, California
Curabitur vel consectetur sapien. Cras volutpat non ex vitae maximus. ed at lobortis quam vel.
United Kingdom on October 22, 2015
I'm not into SciFi. But this book was recommended to me, so I gave it a go. It turned out to be a page turner. An extraordinary story about human-like Androids stranded somewhere (not giving it away) and the human population in a few centuries time. It was a very interesting read, pleasant and full of suspense as well as lots of humour. The narrator looks back at what Earth was like in our days and might look like centuries on from now - very possible scenario. All really well thought through. The end was a real cliff hanger, and I can't wait to read No 2 of the trilogy. So, please, Stephen, deliver soon! I can see this becoming a motion picture.
I am a designer, artist, illustrator, writer, actor, musician and teacher.
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These days I am concentrating on my writing but I am still available for contract and freelance work as a designer/illustrator/artworker. So please don’t hesitate to contact me should you require my services.
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